Growing Your Indoor Jungle – How to Make Your Plants Get Bigger - The Plant Buddies

Growing Your Indoor Jungle – How to Make Your Plants Get Bigger

If you’re like us, you’ve got a ton of indoor plants that are all vying for the best spot in the sun. You want them to look as lush and vibrant as possible, but how do you make sure that your plants not only survive but also thrive? With a few simple tips and tricks, you'll be able to transform your home into an indoor jungle in no time!

Give Them Plenty of Sunlight
The most important factor when it comes to plant growth is light. Most houseplants need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day in order to grow big and stay healthy. If your plants don’t get enough light, they won’t have enough energy to produce new leaves or branches. To increase the amount of light they receive, move your plants closer to windows or consider adding lights. Also be mindful of where you place them as some plants prefer indirect sunlight while others require direct sunlight.

Know When and How Much To Water Them
Another important factor for healthy and big plants is water. Too much water can cause root rot, while too little water can cause leaf drop and wilting. The key is finding the balance between wet and dry soil so that your plant gets the hydration it needs without getting over-saturated. A good rule of thumb is to water when the soil feels dry about 1 inch below the surface—this will vary depending on the type of plant you have—and then let any excess water drain off before returning it back to its spot.

Give Them Nutrients  
Every once in a while give your plants some extra nutrients with either liquid fertilizer or slow-release pellets, both of which can help encourage growth by supplying essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Be sure to follow package instructions carefully as over-fertilizing can lead to nutrient burn which can damage or kill your plant!

Feed Them Regularly
Feeding your plants regularly keeps them happy and healthy! Most houseplants will benefit from regular fertilizing every two weeks during their growing season (usually spring through fall). Look up what kind of fertilizer your specific type of plant needs since some may require more nitrogen than others. Additionally, supplementing with compost tea every few months will provide them with beneficial microbes that will help break down organic matter into easily digestible nutrients for your plant!

With these easy tips, anyone can become an indoor gardening guru! Growing big healthy houseplants doesn't have to be difficult; just remember that they need plenty of sunlight, proper watering techniques, extra nutrients every now and then, and regular feeding throughout their growing season for optimal results. So grab those gardening gloves and start transforming your home into an indoor jungle today!

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1 comment

Will have to try a few of these tips!


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